Ask any artist, they'll probably tell you the same thing - commissioned art keeps us making art.
Let's be honest here, I believe I have a great selection of many different options to order art for any lifestyle on my shop. To be more honest, almost none of it sells. It's not about the shop that I have on my website, it's about the custom art that I make for people.
Every couple of months a print or two will sell from my website. That's not what pays the bills as an artist. Commission art pays the bills for artists. You get original high quality art, you pay a higher price than you would for a general print, but you get completely custom and outstanding work when requesting a commission from an artist.
Artists will work their hardest on commission art in order to spread their name to a wider audience and make sure all your dreams come true within the art.
I could try my absolute hardest to make art that will sell to multiple people through my online shop, but that rarely happens. You all are unique and individually want art that reflects who you are and what you want to display in your lives. I absolutely love that and encourage it! Without commission art and unique requests, I could never expand as an artist. With the help from all of you order commission art, I could never expand my portfolio and services I offer.
Over the past few months, commission art is what pays for my studio rent and website fees. I was able to put together a Packages tab on my website of my most common requests. I was able to practice my photography skills and give you unique illustrations. I'm expanding my experience in watercolor paints and framing. I actually have a set of prices now when discussing commission orders. My business strategies and knowledge is expanding all because of commission art requests.
You know what's awesome? I can make art, pay for a website that shows my professional side, have a studio space, answer all of you who want custom art, give advice on design ideas, and so much more - all because of you! Making art is a passion of mine. I've always wanted to be an artist. I am an artist! I could've never been the artist I am without all the practice and support you all provide. I don't pay much bills by making art, I pay the bills that keep me making art, and that is enough to keep me following my passion.
Thank you for letting me follow my passion and being a part of my dream.
If you're someone who just follows along, thank you. If you're someone who wants to buy something one day, thank you. If you have commissioned me to make art, thank you. If you share my posts with your friends, thank you. If you have bought something from my website, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope you never stop supporting dreams of the people around you or strangers that just make cool stuff.
I'm hopeful one day my store items on my website will catch on and be more popular for you all. I really strive to make affordable art for any lifestyle you live. Maybe one day both commissioned art and the art I make for many to love and buy through my website will be equally as popular!
Enjoy some of my most recent committed art pieces below!
With love,